the boneyard: a part of the neon museum in las vegas, the boneyard is a a lot filled with non-restored signs of all kinds. seems pretty surreal, industrial, nostalgic.
(photo by angie1611 on flickr, creative commons license)
grand canyon: what can i say, i've never been.
high desert test sites: from their website - "The High Desert Test Sites are a series of experimental art sites located along a stretch of desert communities including Pioneer town, Yucca Valley, Joshua tree, 29 Palms and Wonder Valley. These sites provide alternative space for experimental works by both emerging and established artists." andrea zittel is one of the artists who founded it. rad stuff.
sequoia national park: hamblog recently made the trip, and it inspires. big, old gorgeous trees in the amazing sierra nevadas.
1 comment:
Thanks for the shoutout! And the inspiration. Molly gave me a really good pep talk about making more of a commitment to traveling this year (really traveling, beyond the 3-day weekends I always do). It would be fun to encourage all our blogger friends to put in their travel place wish list!
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